For writers, and creatives in general, I would like to assume there's always some kind of ritual or something they reach for that gives their creativity the push it needs. For me, it's music, can't live without the stuff. I can't truly get into any kind of headspace to write without music to influence me.
So I though it'd be a really cool idea if we had a thread of music that inspires you to write, or even just music that you're passionate about or are listening to right now. I think it'd be nice to experience what other people envision when they're in the process of creating something. As well as some great music recommendations!
What I listen to changes a lot, but here's what I'm currently listening to on repeat:
Roots, The Therapist - Snowpoet
Stay - Ghostly Kisses (acoustic)
Signals - zalagasper
Auriel's Ascension - Jeremy Soule, from The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
Canvas - Imogen Heap