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Mar 28, 2022
In General Discussion
Hey everyone :) As of late, I've been really getting back into philosophy and I have taken it upon myself to go on an impromptu journey of expanding my knowledge and worldviews particularly in relation to the philosophy of art, morality, and aesthetics. I have not written any poetry in a while despite my best efforts, and I think it's almost as if I had this well of knowledge that my ideas were drawing from, but as time went on, it ran dry as I was not consuming enough 'educational' content to keep my mind creative. Since ending university, the constant learning that I took for granted is now entirely up to me to continue. Beginning to explore philosophy again, I have already had so many ideas for new poems and things I want to create. I thought I would make a post about it here, as I invite all of you to join me in this endeavor and I thought it would be cool if we could swap recommendations and discuss different books, ideas, and our thoughts, and in turn, build a deeper sense of community within the cove while bettering ourselves as poets.
Mar 18, 2022
In Poetry Discussion
I want to discover more poetry related content on YouTube and help support smaller creators. I feel like a lot of poetry creators that I watch currently place way too much weight on the technical aspects of poetry and don't really talk about anything else. And while understanding the more academic aspects of the craft is extremely important, I feel that there are other things such as emotion, creativity, and aesthetic that are looked over in the community that leads to poetry being seen as less of an art form and more of a technical skill. Does anyone have any suggestions on YouTubers who are more holistic in their approach?
May 01, 2021
In Poetry Discussion
Hey guys! So it's that time of night where I decide I want to do something crazy, and it just so happens that tonight I might follow through. I've been trying to get out of my comfort zone lately and really put myself out there, so I have found a couple poetry competitions that accept manuscripts. Winners get a cash prize as well as a publication deal. I know it's a long shot, but I thought why not give it a shot? I was wondering if anyone had any tips, or if anyone has ever tried doing something like this and what your experience was. I'm open to any sort of help 😅
Thank you! Sophie ❤️
Apr 29, 2021
In Poetry Discussion
Do you guys enjoy sharing your poetry with others or do you keep it private? I have this weird thing where I'm fine with strangers reading mine, but refuse under any circumstances to show it to my close family/friends (minus a select few). It just feels very invasive and violating. What are your thoughts? Also, do you write for yourself or with the intention of sharing them with an audience?
Apr 11, 2021
In Poetry Discussion
Hello everyone! Welcome to the Cove's very own poet's society. Inspired by the Dead Poet's Society, the purpose of this thread will be to share, analyze, and learn about some of the best poetry that has been written throughout history and connect with others in our community. What really draws me to poetry is that I view poems as sort of puzzles that need to be 'solved' and I can spend hours thinking over and analyzing a single poem. From the meaning, technique, historical context, all the way down to the author's personal reason for writing it - I want to know it all! For that reason, I decided to create The Cove's Dead Poet's Society - a place where other poetry lovers with borderline obsessive personalities can delve into poetry in detail and maybe even learn a thing or two while we're at it. How it will work: Each week, a new poem will be posted along with some historical context, information about the author, relevant themes, and a few discussion questions. Then it will be up to you to start the discussion. Feel free to start your own groups in the chat feature and create responses as a team. Bonus points if you can come up with your own poems inspired by each week's poem/theme! Also, feel free to start your own discussion questions down in the comments. The more dialogue we have going the better! First poem will be posted soon... stay tuned! - Sophie ❤️ "We don't read and write poetry because it's cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for."- The Dead Poet's Society
Apr 04, 2021
In [Archived] NaPoWriMo 2021
Struggling to come up with a poem every day? Check out this interesting prompt generator! If this was helpful to you, share your poem and a screenshot of the prompt below so others can try it as well. Let's see how creative we can be! ✍️
Mar 02, 2021
In Poetry Discussion
Conventional wisdoms often masquerade as truth, but are they really? In this thread, we will take a deep dive into popular poetry advice and see how well it holds up to scrutiny - with you being judge, jury, and executioner. Every few days, a post will be made explaining a common poetry belief. Then, it will be up to you to leave your thoughts on the matter. Stick around to dispel myths, share your opinions, or even learn a few worthy tips ;)
Feb 24, 2021
In Poetry Discussion
Inspired by vintage newspaper advice columns, Signed With a Heart is The Poetry Cove's very own, exclusive poetry advice forum. Submit all of your burning poetry-related questions, general musings, or even submit your own poetry for critique! Moderators Rachel & Sophie will select your write-ins and lend a gentle listening ear as they provide their opinions and guidance on whatever is asked. Leave questions to your heart's content below, my loves. xoxo Sophie ❤️
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