As poets we should all be fans of playing with words, so here's a little riddle for you:
Can you write a grammatically correct sentence using five consecutive ands?
and and and and and
no cheating by using the internet
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@Shen Friebe @Ken LeMarchand
heres the solution :
Bob was making a sign for his house that said Bob and Sally's House. Sally came out and said "I love it, but can you put a bigger space between Bob and and and and and Sally?"
It's gonna be hard to top Ken's example, that's for sure :P
Have you got an example of your own, Marc?
Johnny prefers his mother to pack him a banana, and a root beer, and a zip-lock bag of strawberries, and a ham and cheese sandwich without mustard, and a Nutri Grain bar for his lunch.
How did I do?