Ladies and gentlemen,welcome to perhaps the most difficult form to ever been produce.......HAIKUS?????Nope?????LIMERICKS?????NANA?????Okay,Shakespearan Sonnets?????
They are indeed difficult,although that's not most difficult.
The most difficult....DRUM ROLL PLEASE
So what makes this so difficult???
Glad you ask,young cover.
For one they actually require alot of thought.
It follows an interesting rhyme scheme of:
A¹ B 1²
A B A¹
A B A²
A B A¹
A B A²
A B A¹ A²
As you can see,that's alot of straight A's.
Your parents be so proud of you!!!!!!
Each line not only has to rhyme,but you must figure out how each line builds upon towards final stanza.
You notice before last stanza,each line has a stanza of three lines.That my friend is call a tercet.Five sets of threes and last set has four.
As I said each line has to have thought.
Because they all follow somewhat of structure.Think of stories or those self help videos you seen online and Vanille operates kind of same way.Except they all have to rhyme,with scheme I just mention.
Dr:So Seuss Jr,want to try a Vanille???
Student:How do I know if its for me???🙁
If you are a season rhymer(just like yours truly) and you want to give this a shot,go for it!!!!!!!!!!!No harm in changing up with tradition.
I always recommend following a poetic structure,as this respects the form the poet creates.Otherwise,have at it,season rhymers.
If you like to challenge yourself,go for it!!!!!!
There's no failure,only feedback.
And you are as great as your last work of art.
The best thing to do is just get started and see what happens.
What if my first Vanille SUCKS???
Then you gather data.
In otherwards,your only going to be better by test,learn,grow,repeat.
Working,failing and gathering feedback is better than thinking,wonder and not starting,true???
That's all for today young Cover.
If you like to learn more about poems and how they're written,then come onboard to.....
At the Poetry Cove Academy.
Where every Saturday,you get to learn from Social Media Influencer and Working Poet,
ADAM GARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can say,after spending time at Poetry Cove Saturday School,my passion been renew,confidence been strengthen to be working poet,and my poetry pencil has been sharpen, ready for WAR!!!!!!!!!
Now friends,come onboard Poetry Cove Saturday School,and more information via link right here.
Until then happy writing!!!!!!!!!!