I was working on my uncle and I's 30 acre orchard which is his big vision of a safe place to escape the cities. Escaping the chaos of doing film/plays in Hollywood. He works with so many artist you wouldn't believe! Some being poets to my surprise. After a long day of work we would sit and drink a few; chatting about all the arts. He would let me express my new found love for poetry. Reading him all my pieces and he would give me advice. The one that really, really stuck with me was when he told me he had a friend who was a poet in which she said, "Don't be afraid of speaking your language" and "Of course you will write about moments that have been wrote about before, but it hasn't been written by you". He let that sit with me all evening. I think it means to value your own perspective and to believe in yourself. Write for yourself and nobody else. Some will get it and some won't. Be the environment you've been in and don't apologize for it. We can't sacrifice the value of our feelings and what we see for the sake of all audiences. What do you all think? I would love to hear all of your thoughts.
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First off fact your a beginner is incredible.
Especially with resources we as poets have NOW(Poetry Cove included)
As my mentor once told me,"an idea is a recollection of the old."
Another thing is in business,its not about being creative,its about modeling success.Which is why poets read poetry(still working on making that a habit,since I have 3 books I'm reading currently)Industries(poetry included) are a metaphor for life because no matter how different job is,lessons are same due to how universal they all are.
Yes,write for you.And only you.As an artist myself,I can tell you that it's addicting to have validation from others because one wants to be recognized for the work they put in.As times go on,eventually I have to self validate myself knowing my work is good enough.What makes you original,so to speak,are the experiences you have and how you express them.
Funny you mention prompts,remember one of my feedbacks I gave myself was how generic my poems are.And a poet reminded me the way I weave my words together is amazing.Which isn't something I thought of at all.Yet I was still writing for me.
Sadly,A.I might be taken over this world,hopefully while I am gone from this Earth,as I would be terrify to live in A.I world.
As long as there humans still around,these topics will not go away.
Write for self validation and realize your work is good enough.
All best in your poetry journey,cannot wait to follow your journey within world of poetry.
I have heard something similar about it hasn't been written by you before.
But absolutely you should be writing for you! You think poets will ever stop writing about love? Or mortality? Betrayal? These are themes written about through the ages, because we all feel deeply about them. Of course, that isn’t license to not read widely to ensure originality, and write any old thing. But look at the prompt games we used to have back at the start of things on here. Everyone had the same prompt, but each wrote a different poem!
Thanks for starting this post! Interested to see what others say!