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The Early Hours - Interview and Analysis

Updated: Oct 4, 2022


The Early Hours is a collection of works by poet, actor, author Adam Gary. This highly enjoyable read transports one through the varied imaginative ruminations of an artist at his peak.

It is a brave, honest, and challenging assortment of work and explores an array of different poetic tools and techniques to renew form in poetry. The message Adam conveys contains humor, joy, and the genuine darkness experienced by the unease of a poet in transition.

Every piece of work in this collection remains captivating and current. The Early Hours recognizes its readers- fellow poets, artists, and writers and entices us to claim our craft with conviction, heart, and courage.

For these reasons and so much more -The Early Hours deserves 4 and a half stars out of five. Evenings are well spent with a glass of merlot and the smooth, reserved, passionate recordings of The Early Hours audio collection, found on cd, vinyl, Spotify, Apple I Tunes, Anghami, and of course on his YouTube channel. During these times I know Adam for the close friend, confidant, and muse that he is.


Every artist transforms throughout their time. The Early Hours is a goodbye to the first incarnation of Adam Gary, the quick firing beat inspired poet of youth, to a more thorough, thoughtful and dedicated poet on the cusp of his 30s. Maturity and craftsmanship is on the menu now, and as we say a fond farewell to old, we are served a delightful starter of what is yet to come; which may well be the main dish of Adam's poetic journey. The Early Hours, a rather moving titular poem bids us farewell until Adam's next venture which perfectly closes this chapter in Adam's work, telling us that it is okay to start from point A. progressing and learning all the way through to point B.


Q) What inspired this collection?

A) I have been on this journey of writing poetry for a while now. Completely self taught. I feel there's been so much growth in my style and understanding of the craft, and of course I'm an artist, so terribly insecure about my early work. Having gained the following I have, I've seen first hand that so many other poets question their work and whilst I have realised there needs to be revisions in my other collections, I came to the conclusion that actually it is something to be proud of. Seeing how far I have come. I am saying goodbye to my old self as a poet with this book, reflecting and reworking some older pieces I really liked, but at the same time I am showcasing some newer styles... welcoming and introducing the new me. I want readers to read this collection and know that it is okay to be a beginner; we all were at some point and if you keep going... you can only develop and improve. Hopefully that excites them enough to want to read the newer, more developed work I have coming up.

Q) Speaking of developing as poets and your followers being beginners, how does it feel to be doing what you're doing with The Poetry Cove and your YouTube how to videos?

A) I am entirely self taught. I come from an acting FAQs background. I know all too well the struggles of the common man (or lady) to get your foot in the door. It's really not easy, and incredibly taxing on a struggling artist's mental health. We have to be there for each other. I get pleasure out of lightening the load for anyone who is seeking answers. That's why I founded The Poetry Cove. The entertainment industry can be ridiculously pretentious, I believe if you have the courage to do what you want to do and especially if you have the talent of course, then you deserve every opportunity. I want to be the person that gives opportunities to those seeking it.

Q) What makes a good poem?

A) Heart. You can know all the forms and techniques in the world; be friends with as many influential industry people that fills a theatre, but if your poetry isn't written from the heart, the soul... it is obvious. That's why beginners deserve every opportunity given to those who have 'paid their dues' too. Because you don't need all the fancy know how to be a good poet, not really (though it does certainly help, don't get it mistaken). That's another reason that I founded The Poetry Cove. We realise how precious raw talent is. We're not here to gatekeep.

Q) What are the themes you love to write about?

A) I think a factor in all great poetry is the fact that it dives into the very truest nature of being human. My last acting coach Gary Condes always used to say, there are only three emotions. Happiness, Sadness, and Fear. Everything else is just a strain of that. You can make of that what you will, but my point is I think it is important that all poetry gets to the very core of what we as a species are. I tend to write about darker subjects, I think it is more tangible although I use a lot of humour too. I think when people read a poem on sadness or fear it is a relief to know they're not alone, much like it is a relief for the poet to express what they are feeling so they can move past it. I find the darker side of life easier to tackle and wrestle onto the page, as I think most poets do. I like to think I do it in a lighter way than others, though. In terms of themes and imagery, I think I always lean towards the wandering poet image. It's how I live my life. I've always seen myself as a lone, wandering wolf. I'm an only child so have spent the majority of my life on my own. It's the biggest reason I fell into writing and never left. Here I was, writing a short film to help my acting career and suddenly I didn't have to deal with overexcited personalities screaming and jumping around. I could work in peace without anyone else looking over my shoulder! Ha! I'm such an anti-social, miserable git really, aren't I? But yes, I am always fascinated by the imagery of a wandering artist, trying to find his way. I think that has been in all my collections so far, purely because that is who I am. I am very inquisitive and very lost, especially right now at 29. I am really going through some existential crisis shit, realising I'm not this immortal youth, as my bones start aching, my body is storing more fat, and I can't go for the kinds of walks I used to; and I'm constantly questioning whether I'm on the right path or not, too! Should I just give in to a 9-5 career. What am I DOING? You know? I think people assume I have my shit together because I'm just very particular about what I put out and how I want to be perceived, but I'm just like everyone else! I just want to understand things in the world, and I do that through poetry.

Q) What is the relevance of the different deities throughout this piece? What role in the poem are they meant to enact?

A) I have always had a thing for Greek gods. When I first started writing poetry, Dionysus was front and center, featuring so often in my poetry back then. I wanted to reflect on that. 'Dion sleeps on a bed of stone' is a nod to those early days.

Q) Why an august reign? What are you hinting at? Why the small letter and change from rain to reign?

A) The summer is supposed to represent the joy of discovering poetry writing for the first time. The fun and freedom that comes with that, and not letting that go before you've really explored and enjoyed that part of the journey as a poet.

Q) The structure of the poem is not obvious yet it's there, why have you structured Early Hours this way? Am I correct in assuming that the second stanza has relevance in its brevity? Is it a pivot of the theme?

A) The poem is about the transition of the poet from beginner to competent. More specifically my own. I wanted it to be structured, but not so obviously structured it felt forced. I wanted to combine the old poet, who wrote quickly and carefree, with the new poet. Who writes with more consideration, and hopefully... better form!

Q) Are you a morning person? Why do you celebrate morning with such deference and tenderness is there more to this picture?

A) I used the early hours and morning as a metaphor for the earlier days of the writing journey. There are times when I love waking up at 6am, just because it gives me more hours in the day to get things done more than anything else! But there certainly is beauty to be observed when waking up in the morning. Before I got my puppy, I used to love spending some time in my garden listening and watching the birds on my feeder and in the birdbath.

Q) As I Lay Here with Discontented Heart (The Random Ramblings of a Restless Mind- 2017) transports your readers throughout one night from a single read. It's very well done. It feels like the sister shadow of the Early Hours. Its placement in the collection is relatively early it also comes straight after "Flying Fish of the C" which is a piece you've shared on your YouTube channel. What relevance is this poem to you especially regarding your collection?

A) As I Lay Here came from a continuous stream of nights struggling with insomnia. My bed is right under the window and I have a perfect view of the sky. I had not long learned about the Greek's idea of Geniuses. This idea that creativity never came from you, but a spectral genius attached to you. It's a way of dealing with writer's block. If you couldn't write it wasn't because you were a bad poet... but because your genius had gone off somewhere. I enjoyed the idea of all these different geniuses up in the sky, having a gossip about their artist and I wanted to capture that imagery and sense of festivities in a poem.

Q) "The Day will come when the Light Subsides" Is themed very differently to the hope and renewal of Early Hours. It's grounded in dark, absolute certainty of ill tidings. What relevance is this in regard to Early Hours?

A)The Early Hours doesn't have an overall theme as such. It is just a case of celebrating the journey of a poet. There's a whole host of differing themes here that span almost a decade of writing.

Q) Do you believe some people possess a natural inclination toward poetry- that is they’re gifted?

A) I think anybody can write poetry, so long as they are willing, to be honest with themselves and truly bring their emotions to the page!

Q) Do you ever want to give up on poetry?

A) Sadly, there have been times when I have felt like it is not for me. But I have taken steps to combat that. I usually only ever feel the imposter syndrome come on when algorithms are being an arse! I have recently deleted my Instagram because I feel like it is a toxic platform for creators and I don't have time for that in my life!

Q) Why poetry? What about poetry keeps you committed to the form?

A) I can't honestly tell you. It just happened. I have never felt more comfortable in myself than when I've been writing. I have honestly never looked back, and it just feels right to be doing what I am doing.

Q). Do you feel that there is a difference between the written word and the spoken word?

Which do you prefer?

A) I love writing poetry and then speaking it. The common 'spoken word' that often goes viral is often too angry for my tastes and too preachy for me. Do I think the world needs Spoken Word in its most common form? Absolutely! But I must admit, I prefer listening to more mellow recitations; which can probably be found in my own recordings and album that accompanies this book in fact.


The Early Hours is a reflective look at the journey of a young poet's transition from a young ambitious man to a mature and thoughtful creator. With serene joy, the experience of creation is met with measured resolve.

In the titular poem - the Early Hours, Adam Gary invokes old-world deities to meet with him in the sentient twilight of dawn. After countless restless shadow-driven nights, this poet reconciles the tenebrous stretch of many more haunted nights in the elderly reckonings of the Early Hours of a yet-to-be actualized day.

In his use of anaphora, Adam commands the first sightings of the morning by simultaneously requesting and claiming the timed progression of things. Let not..., Let not..., Let not...., The repetition cements hope and each entreat is accompanied with certainty that hour following hour, the day will attain her full standing, not thwarted by callow attempts of brief, boastful moments of spurious self-realizations.

Themes of transition and transcendence structure the intent of the poem with subtle hints concealed in beautiful lyrical solicitations, the aged soul of a restless poet. The zenith of fostered creation is anticipated to follow the Early Hours, as the poet steeled, resolute, endeavors pass the weighted expectations of an immobilized god-force.

And back to blissful, frolicking innocent promises, the delicate realm of a hazy dream space lined in plucked petals of a sleeping god. Seeds will push back the earth and find the nourishing sun - the promise of attainment cemented in stone. Our artistic ventures wrought in these Early Hours. The emphasis is on our, Adam manages to make this endeavor a space for us.

The poet Adam, relents to the fully realized day -his dew, the product of the previous night's stirrings, fraught with imaginative zeal and agonized self-doubtings. Warm and safe the passage of the day now as the dark tide is pushed back by embrace.


After reading this poem the feel of a freshly harvested morning's scene remains with you. The collection of refined ideas inked into the work of Early Hours pour off the pages and inspire a creative storm in this reader. The key to this piece is restraint, Adam is allowing room for so much growth, in us his readers, it is generous and spirited, striving for talent to find recognition.

Adam allows us on this journey, through a gated abbey, the realm of the poet. In its truest form, this space, this disposition is rarely found, and seldom explored; and yet Adam invites us, again and again, to journey with him as he adorns his Long Dark Coat.

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Nov 17, 2021

Holy shit, Garish!! I always knew you were an amazing writer but the "Analysis" and "Final thoughts" of this post blew me away!!! I am in awe of your talent as a writer and I kept reading this over and over again because of how beautifully and skillfully you crafted your thoughts. And incredible writing aside, I loved how spot on and in depth your analysis was. I love it when people take the time to deeply dissect poetry, and reading this made me so happy. If I am ever lucky enough to publish a book, I would feel so honored to have you write an analysis 😍

Nov 17, 2021
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Scar, I'm... wow, I'm so speechless thank you sweet friend. Coming from you... It's impossible to tell you how much that means! My heart my Friend. Would be absolute dirt if not for you and Adam, Suchita, Ken, Bendy, Rachel... all of you covers. Adam's writing is exquisite, I had to fight tooth and nail to step up to the plate and even try and capture the essence of his work.


Marc  Brimble
Marc Brimble
Nov 17, 2021

Very good review and interesting interview. I think we all feel like lone wolves from time to time.

Nov 17, 2021
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Thank you Marc. A universal quality of felt isolation


Nov 16, 2021

I really enjoy reading interview.

You have such a way with breaking words down one simply can't comprehend.

This also gave me hope that I'm not alone,one takeaway is to simply embrace beginnings.

Practical,as this seems to suggest to always be a student of whatever one's pursuing.

Great work,all around,🍻 to Adam's current and future book launches!!!!!!!

Nov 17, 2021
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That's very interesting.

Even more curious about dreams you have.

With my voice in background,must have been one epic adventure.


Suchita Senthil Kumar
Suchita Senthil Kumar
Nov 16, 2021

This was so inspiring to read and I'm always amazed by your analysis Garish!!

Nov 17, 2021
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Thanks my dear friend!! I still owe you poems from your blog on prompts, they're on their way!


Adam Gary
Adam Gary
Nov 16, 2021

Wow, thank you so much for this wonderfully written article on my poem and collection as a whole! I can't tell you how honoured I am to have you help me promote this book, and I am so so glad you found it all an enjoyable read! Thanks again Garish, you have such a way with words! I look forward to reading more of your Analyses posts!

Nov 17, 2021
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Ah, Mr. Gary its me who is honoured and grateful beyond words!! You have single handedly uplifted me and my tiny little channel and made it something to truly be proud of. For this I can never thank you enough. Your work is awe inspiring, beautiful and of a high quality. It's also brash, funny, intelligent and challenges me as a poet and human being. Forever we will find a realm of poetic sanctuary for this we endeavor.

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