For poems specifically written with NaPoWriMo participation in mind
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At The Poetry Cove Forum, we are dedicated to bringing together poets from all over the world. We believe that poetry can be a powerful tool for connection and community, and we want you to have a place where you can explore your craft in an environment that is friendly, welcoming, and supportive.
We are committed to providing this space for you because we believe that everyone deserves a chance to express themselves creatively and share their work with others who share their interests.
We hope you will join us in creating an open-minded, accepting, and supportive community of people who can help each other grow as poets.

The Poetry Cove Academy

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The Poetry Cove Academy
Last day. See you all on the other side.
Winning The Lottery Reminds Me To Breathe
I have blue eyes / and it’s raining today /
and daffodils bloomed in the middle
of my driveway / and they laughed with me / and I said
thank you / and the sky is purple / and the trees
are singing / and I remember where I left
the lost parts of myself / and I remember I’m a tealight
at best in this world / and I’m a thimble at best
in the universe / and my fingerprints are shaped
like birds and the wind moved me
when I stood on the Eiffel Tower / and my favourite
jokes gather in the jar on my desk / and a seagull
told me to have a good day / and I did
have a good day / and my smile reminds me of someone
I haven’t met yet / and I met you / and I’m happy /
and I’m still alive.
What are the chances?
Interwine with gratitude,
Better wine ages overtime
Throughout travels,every detail
Come out,unravel how one fail
Can push them to sail on often new
Times to be have,experiences
Are undiscovered until they
Are discover,uncover real
Meaning behind conditioning,
Just having breath,center,spirit
Within world,realize this universe
A city waiting to become
Takeover,perhaps,its time to
End this chapter...Uber stop its
My cue,last day of work starts a
New chapter,waiting,to unveil
Day 30 - InNaPoWriMo
I am sad that today is the last day of our Poetry Month. I loved writing these pieces and to share this amazing journey with you. Thanks Rachel for inspiring and supporting us all!🙂
Counting my breaths on my fingers,
I consider myself lucky,
To breath in this light of sunrise,
the warmth flowing in my veins,
Walking down the country road,
I consider myself lucky,
the sky is blue like heart of sapphire,
and I can feel it seep within,
I write poetry in pink sunsets,
I consider myself lucky,
converging the heart with little words,
my fingers acting as conductors,
I see the stars from my roof,
I consider myself lucky,
the night sky wraps me in a cocoon,
and I feel safe in the dark,
Counting my breaths on my fingers,
I consider myself lucky,
to live a life with simple joys,
one day at a time.
Please provide feedback if you can. I keep changing this one and at this point I want to see what you all think before I mess with it more. :)
I am searching for time’s betrayal, when it left my side and lost its direction. Eventually it gave in to its surroundings grass sprouted around it, died and re-born, season after season.
And I reached for peace,
where none was found,
only memories blended
together overlaying
one another.
I could not shift through
them to find the one I needed.
I shook memory after memory
out of my head
until I settled on one.
The day I was wrapped in
a wool blanket
wrapping my hands around a
hand painted mug,
with faded blue snowflakes
gazing at nothing and everything
Content at the life I built
from inside.
I savor this keepsake, holding
it in my arms even though it
is too lost in time.
Not my best work of this month.
However,looking forward to last day of this month.
Thank you to everyone who was involved with NaWriPoMo.
Absolute pleasure,looking forward to continue journey with the Cove.
Last Journey
Three o clock,
Hitting snooze
For the tenth
Millionth time
Waking up
Back to bed,
Prefer stay
The time phone
Was check,all
Clear,call U
Thirty min
Of waiting
It went to
Last app screen,
It said....NINE
Hit shower,
Gargle mouth
Wash,got old
Went straight to
Last days be
Fore a new
Chapter can
Begin a
Day 29. Wrote this the other day and seems to fit today's prompt:
Fortune Cookies
It was 12 degrees with a moderate wind
But still humid enough for a jacket.
I creep out in my torn up trainers
While the neighbourhood sleeps.
I go out to my local takeaway
And treat myself.
He asks me how I'm doing from
behind the counter. I tell him honestly
This is the first time I've been out in weeks.
It's hard for me to get out of bed
And even harder to explain.
He gives me extra fortune cookies
And wishes me well.
On the journey home, I think about
the fortune cookies, and feel hopeful.
Not that I believe in them or anything.
But, at the same time, maybe I really have
a shot at a good ending.
Where the main character doesn't succumb
To 10pm on a cold, empty bus with a hot meal.
I let my food go cold before I eat it
To make it harder to swallow.
To make sure I can still see my ribs
when I stretch the twilight out of my bones.
Once again, I am filled with hope.
I remember my fortune cookies and open them,
prepared for anything.
You need not worry about the future.
I think about what that means.
Maybe I won't lose my home.
Maybe I'll write that book.
Maybe the nightmares will go away.
I might even get a cat and name him Cookie.
The possibilities are endless.
I sink into my pillow a little more as I
open the second cookie.
You will inherit a large sum of money.
All my hope is shotgunned by confusion.
Maybe pieces of paper in red packets
Don't know me as much as I thought.
I am unsure now exactly why I am full
And how much is still stuck in my throat.
Day 29. Let's go.
Anna Lisa, The Sun Is Asking For You
What are the chances that we’d meet?
You with your curly hair and me
with my navy blue glasses.
You’re exactly who I’m looking for,
though I didn’t know
I was looking for anybody.
Your face is the moon of a planet
in a solar system I’ve never heard of before,
flicking in the light of a candle I can’t see.
Your eyes aren’t windows. Instead,
glass bottom boats. Turn off the engines,
let me see all the fish you carry in your heart.
It’s warm and you’re wearing a pale green scarf
which brings out your eyes, though your eyes
aren’t green. Your voice is the bird perched
on the telephone wire, singing to the sunrise.
I drink red wine while I write poetry, you say.
You don’t notice that your hand is holding a pen
that’s not there, writing on a page that’s not there.
The poem is there though I don’t understand.
I don’t need to understand to know
you are love. You don’t know my name.
Your name is the sound of a cloud
moving across the sky.
I know I’m a comma in your life, a footnote at best.
I’m happy with this. Falling asleep on the train with you
at 3AM is my best decision. I wake up
with your scarf around my neck.
Out of the window, two suns light up your eyes.
What are the chances?
Day 29 - InNaPoWriMo
Cold Coffee
I was on a journey,
I didn't know the destination,
nor that I cared to find out either,
I have been on too many travels with exact destinations,
someone's heart, someone's thoughts, someone's needs,
but those were round trips where the departing was always delayed,
So there I saw, huge mountains backdropped my paths,
the snow melted laying bare the black stones,
the winding roads with stretched misty forests on either side,
I saw a rough cliff, a cerulean ocean calling me,
I took a peek downstairs,
the sands lining the edge of its incoming ally,
I climbed down,
and stood at a distance, where waves kissed my feet,
I felt the cold on my palm instead,
I looked down,
the mug of cold coffee,
wrapped in my tired fingers,
the sheets of poems soaking the creeping condensation on the table.
Thursday night on spring evening
An student who's aspiring
Be a Hollywood sensation,
Invested in situation
He chose,there he was,practicing
In class,another noticing,
Classmate,putting on performance
Unrealized fatal hindrance,
Mistake even,as they both went
To seats,thunder,shockwaves had sent
To him,leaning back and forth all
Sudden,eyes blinking,bridge has fall
Down,unfortunately,he's up
As he saids his line,smile cup
Disguise as confidence,pausing
By acting coach,then realizing
Off card,lethal mistake,he crash
And burn,on that night,the man quit
After class,he rush out,blew it
All perception screw him over,
Oh he knew,ran in the darkness
Chest huffing and puffing,sadness,
Dry eyes looking down,thankfully
Gas station appear,peacefully
Pineapple coconut Gatorade
Emerge,while a haterade
Something gargantuan was lost,
Four years,opportunity cost
Him to sacrifice everything
Eventually,fade to nothing,
Pondering,a non existing
Killer instinct,thriller in him
Has gone extinct,normal average
Scavenger,eat avenger a
Live,now,no mercy,no remorse
Listen,legacy,is a leg
Wait for humanity to beg
Behind person,waste potential
How can one find original
If it's already within them???????
Authenticity a city,
Politicians,won’t condition
To find,presence,more than essence
Also most important of two,
At least,perceive to becoming
Listening to many,many
Many,humans,who aren't helping
Him becoming the man he could,
Have been,sabotage,the actor
So his factor wouldn't be it,
He has reach his true pinnacle,
He has fallen off,evermore
A raven being nevermore,
A rock band being Paramore
A braveheart dies on his Claymore
Furthermore,an actor cannot
Exist anymore...
Day 28. Let's go.
The Mountains Ask Me How My Day Is Going
and I tell them I’m having a good day. I lie down between the mountains which are upturned teacups. Me? I’m tiny teacup. I explain that the spider in my bedroom has finally left me alone. I almost drank enough water today. This isn’t where I’m from. The mountains, I mean. I mean there aren’t any mountains where I’m from and this is the closest I’ve come to finding my favourite place. Last year, my favourite place was Challenger Deep but we don’t talk about last year or how my lungs are grateful that I never had the chance to visit. The mountains tell me I talk too much but my voice is a piccolo. I’ve never heard a piccolo before but I imagine it’s the sound of falling asleep. I’m here and the mountains ask me if I’ve listened to the universe lately. I say the universe doesn’t have time for me. She’s far too busy expanding, planning which suns to create, which asteroids will collide. The mountains don’t have eyes but I hear them roll their eyes. What are you talking about? She does all of that for you.
Last Stranger I Saw
Funny,every customer
I serve is stranger danger
Written all over,never
Seen bazaar over ture shown
A collection growing,showing
Bright example of how glowing
One appears,until they complain
About pricing,and all the pain
Of explaining why its this price,
Oh I get it,always the vice
That apparently what they,they
Desire,towards real service,hey
I just work here,no flipping clue
When we open,can't freaking blue
Sunny sky,turn thunder storm grey
Because,obviously,the rey
Of sunshine, pitiful small talk
Ain't enough for worker who walk
Back and forth,since,this position
Is them laughing at ignition
Going dust to dust,ash to ash
Awaiting a Toyota crash
Almost hitting poor poor worker
So many facets of walker
Just so freaking glad I'm leaving
See is believe,and achieving
Day 28 - InNaPoWriMo
Blessing in disguise
What is it?
Now you are angry with me,
drowning in the waves of lost control,
recoiling with the creeping terror,
Oh I see what I did there,
I learnt to love myself,
finally saw the veil of false love,
masking the face of death,
death of my hopes,
death of the nights where I had pulled myself together,
death of poetry, seeping from my ripe heart, through my trembling hands, onto the sheets,
death of all that I could have been had I been alone,
death of my spirit, which danced around, in the joys of miniscule things,
death of me absorbing the petrichor,
death of me who drank alcohol for fun,
death of me who was afraid to lose people,
death of me,
now I have discarded that edition of me,
and have published every inch of me anew,
I am now alone, instead of being lonely,
all because I lost your love.
So proud of you all!
Hang in there Covers! Just 3 more days to go! You've all achieved SO MUCH!
Day 27. Let's go.
Paris: Unframed. June, 2008
I’m fifteen, in a country I’ve never been to
before, school trip. I don’t know it yet
but I won’t come back. Here, I’m pink,
sunburnt. The sun burns hotter here,
so much that I feel literal drops of sunlight
fall onto my skin. Even the stars are hotter,
brighter here, older, more beautiful.
This is the week I start wearing my hair
in a side part. I think the cute boy might
ask me out. I don’t know it yet but he won’t.
We visit the Louvre, a house of infinite rooms.
By infinite, I mean I don’t know it yet
but I won’t see all the rooms. My friends and I
spend time leaping into tourists’ photos.
I think about the tourists and wonder
if they think about the teenage girl
with the side parting. I am a tourist
with strangers in her photos. Mona Lisa’s room
is most popular, she is the most beautiful.
Copies in England are just copies.
She’s protected in a frame, protected behind glass,
protected behind red rope.
The room is most popular, less tin of sardines,
more Rubik’s cube. I step on a stranger’s toes;
a stranger elbows me in the ribs; no time
for apologies. I can barely see Mona
above the moving heads and cameras
but I catch her eye. She’s beautiful.
I imagine how she looks when everyone leaves,
when the lights turn off.
She climbs out of her frame,
slips from behind the glass,
steps over the red rope.
The room is empty; she dances by herself
for hours and hours.
But the lights are on, everyone is here.
I see my reflection in the glass,
framed by her frame. I’m more beautiful here
though it’s nothing to do with my new side part.
I’m in a country I’ve never been to, school trip.
My reflection is dancing, dancing, dancing,
though the lights are on.
Day 27 - InNaPoWriMo
Is that..?
I see her,
walking down the street,
in that facade of skin, blood and bones,
There's fear in her eyes,
fear of her own species,
flaunting smiles, laughs and anger as walk by,
She pulls at the skin of her fingers,
close to nails,
like ripping off the plastic,
tightly bound on the box of chocolates,
She sips her coffee,
throwing awkward stares around,
like it's stolen and not bought,
Gingerly, she reached for her notebook,
it had tiny stars embossed on the cover,
She started writing,
about the coffee,
about the street,
about the people passing by,
then she glanced at the glass window of the cafe,
and smiled,
she was I, now doing what she loved the most,
Day 26. Let's go.
Honestly, this didn't come out as I'd intended (and I had a bit of a breakdown during the middle of it.) But here we are. Day 26. The ending is so close. I'll be damned if I give up now. I'm either stubborn or stupid or exhausted. Most likely all of those things.
Violin, The Museum
Some will hear its silent message.
All will feel a presence that’s impossible to ignore. – Pigeon Fort Museum, Tennessee
A violin washes up on the shore,
protected by a case,
still corroded from seawater.
They say she’s unplayable.
I am the violin and the case.
She’s passed from sister
to music teacher
to neighbour
to son
to auction.
They say she comes from a shipwreck,
she belonged to the bandmaster
who played and played
so hymns were the last thing
passengers heard.
I’m the ship, band, passengers, violin.
They say she’s the most valuable artefact
recovered from the wreckage.
The ghosts, who still hold parties,
were sad to see her go.
She’s displayed in a museum,
damaged, unplayable.
They say visitors hear music when they pass by.
I’m the violin and the museum.
I’m on the other side of the world
and hear a single note.
I can’t find where it’s coming from.
I’m calm, still alive.
Don't Talk Anymore
Comprise of
Remember those times very
Well,seventh grade,in Spanish
Class,aquintance,whats scary?
A year later in English
We became cool,group project
In algebra class,eating
Lunch in cafeteria,
Talking about blowjobs,what
Ever the heck that meant back
Then,friends laughing,spitting out
Food,mocking middle school kid
Jaw dropping,well,its true,and
Please don't tell me what it is,
Anyway,last days of school
Headphones plug in,discover
Taste of music,head rocking
Back and forth,screaming,UNDEAD
Over and over,never
Gets old,must say,best friends for
Ever.....or so one would thought
Moral of the story,some
One shows up,ruining friend
Ship,or I let be ruin
Try calling on Saturday
Noon,only to realize,they
Were with that person,looking
Back,understandable, you
Try to rekindle friendship,
Spark isn't same anymore,which
Was why I wrote long letter
Release myself from these chains
May peace to never see you a
Gain,focus on poetry,
Acting career,alignment,
Digital Marketing just
Exist solely for income
However,may give freedom
Live life on my own terms so
Friend,no longer bitter,nor
Holding grudges over what
Happen,honestly,we were
Young,with reckless abandon
Have move on to human kind
Who are more in congruence
To who I'm becoming:man
With a apparently Big
Life,best part,I already
See it,unleash,Bendy now