Humans, aren't we delightful creatures!? Does anyone have some obscure pet peeves that'll make us all giggle!?
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I kind of mentioned this in my first comment but I want to expand on my pet peeve of tapping. So I'm sure we've all been there, needing to gesture to something on our computer screen. I just gesture in the area I'm referring to and I guess I should point out that I have very very short nails. However, my coworker has rather long nails and insists on tapping the screen every time she's pointing something out to someone and it drives me absolutely up the wall.
Oh! new pet peeve! So, we share a kitchen and bathroom at work. And I truly can't comprehend the laziness of some people. People will leave an empty kitchen roll tube on the counter but put a brand new one next to it? And don't even get me started on the bins. I do wonder the state of people's homes sometimes.
I'm not sure if someone's already mentioned this but people who complain about absolutely everything under the sun. I enjoy a good rant and getting things off my chest but I also feel like some people complain about which direction the wind is blowing.
I love my work bestie to death. She's so wonderful but she's just left to start a new job and she's still complaining about her old job and I find myself losing my patience sometimes. Not so much that we fall out or anything. But it's very trying for me.
It irritates me when someone is looking over your shoulder. For example, I went to a garden centre with my sister before Christmas and they have books. Not exactly bestsellers but its me and books. Of course I want to look. And instead of my sister going to look at the other gifts, she just hovered behind me.
People who make a joke out of everything. Especially if you're telling them about something that is distressing or upsetting you. That tells me they're lacking a lot of self-awareness and probably have a bit of arrested development.
I had a colleague like this. I would be experiencing a great deal of stress and processing high volumes of work I'd get no assistance for, only to discover something had gone wrong and I'd have to run a lengthy report all over again, and they'd just laugh. When I was on the verge of tears. I can't tell you how many times I've had to hold back telling them to shut the f*** up.
I work in New York City and frequently have to take subways (at least before COVID I did). It drives me crazy when I am about to take the steps down to the subway and someone just stops in the middle of the stairway to send or receive a text. That sudden stop, can create a pile up of injured people because everyone is rushing down those steps. Now that I live in the suburbs, it makes me nuts when people drive and text. You can always tell who is doing it: They linger after a light has turned green, they swerve in lanes.....they stop suddenly....In short, these folks are a major menace on the roads. It is so dangerous to text and drive yet so many people do it. It makes me hate driving.
Thought I would ressurect this old thread.
What annoys me is people who can't walk in a straight line in the street, or who can't keep an even pace or old people walking slowly with loads of bags of shopping and then suddenly stopping in the middle of the street. And people walking using their phones too.
We should have lanes on the pavement like on the road and little areas where people who can't leave their phones alone can stand and use Instagram.
Noisy eaters.
The word lush.
Unidentifiable green food.
Incorrect use of your and you're.
There really are too many to list. I'm an easily irritated sort 🤣
When someone rushes into an elevator without first allowing people to step out - and any other such small behaviours that communicate lack of awareness or care for other people.
I love that you made this into a poem! But yes, I totally forgot about this one! Dog owner's not taking responsibility for the pet in general, and allowing their dogs to just run up to strangers and other dogs is EXTREMELY problematic. But the dog poop thing is another massive one of mine. I don't know if anyone else experienced this in their country, but during the first lockdown dog owners in the masses suddenly forgot to pick up their dog's mess! It was a pandemic of itself! I think they thought as less people were allowed out they didn't have to do it anymore!
My Pet Peeve was particularly problematic in my old East Harlem neighborhood (NYC). It's meant to be funny and I've cleaned it up for this site.
Dog Walkers
Walking down my city street
Tip-toe tapping in the morning heat.
The sun is out, the day sublime
My plans are made and I have time
Until I skid on smelly brown, scrape my heel, and curse the ground.
Tip toe-tapping on the dog poop beat.
Soft piles, coil mounds splotch the street
Under trees on steps and stoops
in crosswalks plain view doggie poop.
Footprint splotches smeared hound rounds,
poop filed bags
scorch the ground
I watch the humans on their leashes
pastel baggies kept on key chains.
All they have to do is scoop.
Instead, they leave the stinking poop
to smolder in the city heat,
in garden beds on wayward feet.
The signs are clear- the fines severe
We don't want your dog poop here.
If you won't clean up-
I repeat...
Take your dog walks on YOUR street!!
Pet Peeve
When people smoke,and cannot get that taste out of my mouth.
When people say things that do not logically make sense.
Saying sorry and don't mean it.
Talking about very very artificial topics(been on break yet? Wonderful whether we're having.Heard what happen on the news today...)
Small talk.Would love to engage in meaningful topics(Creation of Mankind,Feedback on one's work,anything on Poetry Cove,self improvement),instead of mundane(one's i mention earlier)
People who eat/drink really loudly and people who have to be the center of attention all the time
People taping their fingers or pens or nails against the table. I guess it sums up in monotone repeating sounds. I actually think people do them just to annoy people what other meaning is there?
Here's my pet peeve:
I absolutely can't stand being around people who make noises while chewing, except maybe old people because sometimes they can't help it.
This is not obscure but here is my contribution-
Before you go, before you leave,
I want to share my greatest peeve,
People who drop rubbish on the ground,
When a bin could easily be found.
Ehhh translation please what is it you mean?? Because the translation to this according to google well lets say that some would blush.
It's been a while since I've been around people on a regular basis I'm not sure any of these are necessarily obscure but...
I cannot abide it when people tap with their feet or fingers or with a pen.
Also, when people don't indicate when they're driving or when you're at a red light and they're revving the engine (the light is still red, where are you hoping to go?) Also when I park really far away so there's lots of spaces around my car and someone decides to park next to me.
Maybe this one is slightly obscure: I spend quite a bit of time on tiktok and youtube and I can't stand it when people are eating or drinking in their videos. Can't you edit it out? Or snack before you hit record? I mean, if I'm on a zoom call, it's fine because well, it's real time. But on pre recorded videos...ugh.
What else? I'm sure I'll think of more.