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The Poetry Cove Academy
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My last for the month. Fell behind due to school holidays and my daughter but finishing on a nice note. Like a song that fails to find the tonic this feels like it does not resolve, but I kind of like that. As yet untitled.
The storm unleashes its sorrows.
Arduous the struggle to hold fast.
Bait no longer secure wharf side
finds its way in pocket.
The season, dry and fruitless.
Following in Ahabs footsteps,
this peir has become my bowsprit
and my final stand.
My whale, the kahiwai.
Few else brave these waves.
Farming carrots not an option,
cod south for the cold,
too shallow for kingi,
and snapper, no shelter.
I feel the contempt as I'm spat on.
Tangaroa warning I don't belong.
But to leave now, to give up,
without tribute.
To return with a slack line
would be condemnation,
a messure of my worth
and stubbeness.
the dawn's light yet to break,
the edge of thirty nights and thirty wakes.
Each morning the empty page waited
each evening we desire to be sated,
with the inspiration of the muse's day
to scribble a verse from my mind's fray.
The pen—my wand, my axe, my plow,
carved paths in fields where words allow.
Some nights I left fallow fields behind
others, a harvest with line after line.
Anticipation curls a fog around my feet,
the challenge’s end tastes bitter and sweet.
Will the muse walk the meadow at my side
finding a home to console the tired-eyed?
Though the clock beats in my mind,
each moment stretches to a mountain climb,
I peer over the edge with trepidation,
will I tumble down the path to damnation?
The cycle closing with the journey as friend,
together we explored with paper and pen.
We have much to do before the end,
in the face of the challenge, we will not bend.
I pause, gasping before crossing the line
I run through heartache and thrill in my mind
each verse... a memory from a battle plan,
each rhyme... steps with shifting sand.
Shall I set down the quill, let the inkwell dry,
or find new quests after the victory lap's cry,
To climb another mountain's ledge,
and gaze at another tomorrow's edge?
I’ll find my answer in silent night's eve
the dreams I dare to chase and believe?
30 owl and the kitten
on a holiday morn
owl starts a poetic journey
'I will try, nothing lost
kitten arrives on the doorstep
I'm here, what's to eat
owl writes a poem
already sketched
the first of thirty
kitten patiently waits
then accepts sleeping
owl and the kitten
both on curve of growth
for owl cerebral, emotional
for kitten physical
eating, sleeping, gaining strength
owl pensively looking
for depth in the everyday
writing worked lines and move on
kitten intrigued
wants to play, with the pen
twelve hours, thirty days are over
writing flows easier
owl with this poem, at quest's end
kitten has doubled in size
but wanting to play with that pen
Victim to survivor
return of devilish demons
well trod path, facing crisis
wanting a change, assistance
sought from a practiced other
with indifference crisis disected
tasks given for confidence
establishing trust, 'I believe you'
'you have done nothing wrong'
tasks designed to challenge mindset
accomplishing, moves the soul
loosening bricks in ego wall
'fault' obscures, 'blame' destructive
each week goes past, work
to unseat deep belief
tasks dig deep, exposing
demons cementing bricks
they work, awaiting a chance
a moment of revelation
keystone belief, shifts
change this belief to
'you are good'
pool within the rock
centuries of molecular change
and movement of tide
residue settles enough
hold fast of Neptune's necklace
attaches and thrives
tidal brings fresh salt water
rejuvenating this microsystem
as the fronds of the necklace wave
27 Ravens (or call me what you like, just don't call me late for dinner)
this pair of ravens
perched on a low branch
near these picnic tables
stare with beady white eyes
as we prepare the luncheon
with loud and joyous laughs we cry
I used to call these birds, crows
but the ruffle on the throat
means they are ravens
these ravens continue to stare
with raising expectation
unconcerned with any noise we make
because they want our sandwich
the house burned
from the cold ashes
i pulled a miracle...
my prized quill
surviving the flames
unlike the many words
perished in the blaze
the feather just singed
but unable to fly
like my wings clipped
placed in a hallowed shelf
above my writing desk
there to taunt me
as inspired words
abandoned my pen
a candle fell over
in haste to prevent
another inferno
the quill fell to my page
the hot nib burned
a hole on the paper
igniting my muse.
Another tough one to write... perhaps i have flaws. Maybe we shouldn't go there.
In the Garden of Eden,
where flaws ran wild,
each blemish, a seed,
the weed's own child.
the imperfections
in the residents
for they were different
than the other scents.
rooted in cracks,
these new creatures
whispered secrets
from flawed features.
These imperfections,
rough edges of stone,
carved by the wind,
through tears alone.
from these scars,
a unique force awakened,
driven with spirit
forged and mistaken.
the stuttering tongue
forked in its cadence,
breathes the rhythm of words,
showing through a new lens.
their minds wander,
living in dreams,
discovering new worlds
beyond Eden's scenes.
from trembling hands
with lacking skill,
they draft beauty
from the empty till.
the treasure of gems
who inhabit the earth
flawed from inception,
each one of worth.
thus the nature of flaws,
a mutation of new,
through millennia
the jumble, from two.
we've marked our journey,
for better or worse,
on a future day, we'll know
blessing or curse.
26 Celebrity status
any sport any game
you play the ball, not the player
play the player; foul, .penalty
music, film, modelling
games requiring talent
develop skill for public audience
industries grow around
egos abound, sharks swim
within this abstract market
summit; celebrity status
an individual with talent
skill that expand their soul
no claim to 'godlike' status
joy to share, embarks upon
a career within the industry
survives the troughs and crests
to arrive at summit of celebrity
Abstract market of high finance
sales the driving factor
this world of celebrity
gossip columnists, critics, photoghers
all convinced of their own importance
entourage and celebrity
set sail upon this foreign sea
a sea laden with pirates
gossip columnists with their barbs.
and fabricated tales
threaten lack of exposure
and then the fall
human frailties
blown out of all proportion
accusations of assault
a tango danced by only one
media editors attracted to the slaughter
usual propriety, morality,
does not apply in this sea
they wanted celebrity status
this is price that they should pay
only the guilty can escape hatchet
25 Live drama performance
time and space entwined
thought defies these limits
thought as dramatic words
words for others to enact
reinvoke the limits of time and spare
an idea too big
for drama time allotted
short sequence blocks
not quite syncopated
the play: testing robots
human character automated
tests are meant for AI character
believability slips between gaps
confusion and reasoning lost
within the moment of the play
dramatic finale
this audience, next model of robot
disconnected moment in time
24. Inner development
ego walls, like egg shells
solid but fragile
ego walls grow from
baby's wanting cries
nurturing strokes or lack of
strokes manufacture
emotional threads
grow with baby to child
other senses develop, augment
twist these threads
into a shell of faith
a shell encasing
inner motives and drives
as we develop into adulthood
Sonnet 001: The Lake Beyond Reach
Across the woods, white birches lightly sway,
a hidden lake lies warm beneath the sun;
my canoe darts, but can no longer run
towards the soft shore where I found my way.
The water gleams like dreams I chase in vain,
each paddle stroke, fathoms from freedom's air.
I halt my craft, resigned to cold despair,
for all that's chased is but a distant bane.
To those who seek this warm and gentle wave,
beware the heart's deceitful siren call.
You'll find the quest a shadow, ever more,
For round its edge, where silent willows slave
their sign proclaims, "No step shall breach this law"—
the magistrate’s decree; my heart, its shore.
Mount Chincogun, Murwillumbah NSW
to Edwin Wilson
Mount Chincogun
towers over local terrain
guardian of play
symbol of stability
poetic expectations met
locals view it as a mountain
30 centimetres short
not listed as a mountain
by overseas measure
a fact, a symbol of Australia
almost but not quite
Day 24 Prompt: "Beyond Boundaries"
I don't remember not having the fear of heights. Sometimes, I could overcome my phobia to finish a task. Other times, it would be a different... and terrifying experience. This is Part 1 of many Falling Feeling
i remember falling
from the wooden rack
my father built to house
his aluminum boat.
trauma persisted
since that fateful day
when i uncovered
the fear of heights.
as creative children
we wandered the wood
building cabins
and waging wars.
the tree towered
at the edge of a glade
formed when the giant's
canopy spread wide.
the kids all clambered
up an improvised ladder,
slats nailed to the trunk,
all, except for me.
ten feet from the ground
my breathing racked,
a cautious retreat
to firmness under my feet.
my friends cajoled
from the lofty lodging
pressing me to act
without regard.
i again began my ascent
sweat on my brow
as I passed the mark,
with clenched jaw.
i continued, pausing
at a higher slat
unable to look down,
pressed to the trunk.
with weakened legs
and chattering knees,
my primal brain shook
I could only take flight.
i scampered thru the hatch
greeted by smiles
and the valley's broad vista,
with the ground far below.
even at a tender age,
the breath-taking view
felt awe-inspiring
until nausea breached,
the retching continued
until I shut my eyes
under the pressure
between my ears.
Poem 22
reading well-crafted prose
natural seamless narration
envelops me into another's story
intellectual enjoyment
another well-crafted book:
'Women choosing childlessness'
text reads;
'I didn't enjoy playing with dolls,
I preferred plush animals'
the arrow is slung
finds my mark, piercing
through my ego defences
words and emotions unite
thrown into a spiral
unable to read further
savouring these words
childhood memories emerge
rereading, then stalling
cycle repeated, until
my mind's spider has woven
a web, securing my emotion
emotions disected
disarmed, made safe
I continue to read the rest
becomes another's story, comfortable
Poem 21
a person in a
spider's web
of personal intrigue
web woven from
threads, memory of
unsatisfied wants
a person feeling
like a captured fly
in a spider's eye
a person bound by
belief, attitude
victim's attitude
bricks of emotion
baked in a 'wanting oven'
victim passively
creating persecutor
creating rescuer
victim wishes for
new life, achievement
knowing fulfilment
victim grasps at assistance
sabotages this rescue
sinks into self pity
cries 'you are not here'
'you did this' 'your fault'
you just don't feel
fulfills expectations
and cycle begins anew
Poem number 25(Perhaps) based on the struggle of feeling the self-imposed pressure Inspiration Lost
questing for the spark
of Muse's inspiration
forcing the Devil's mark
upon lack of reception
in the languid lark
of misconception
thus the villain of ink
lays low from the volley
of bolts that sink
the belief in the calling
of what the quill thinks
will move the tasked trolley
they judge poorly of words
cast upon the board
in haste to sling swords
at slicing coarse cords
hung by eye-picking birds
for the dullard's ward
I think this is number 24 and I struggled with this poem.
Arthur's Atonement
Stopping in woods where two roads diverged,
to follow the lesser, my intuition urged
but in a fit of unease, I chose the higher,
following the steps of crimson sunset's fire.
The easy road to the city of dreams
where I hoped to find a viable scheme
to work hard and make a favorable name
yet, what transpired was hardly my blame.
An arrow in the trunk of a sturdy oak,
and on the ground, I found a bloody cloak,
my empty dream again delayed by intrigue,
short of the city by a mere two leagues.
I sought the source of this woodland's bleed,
o'er a faint path obscured by thorn and weed.
A whisper on the wind, a lament so stark,
the story of betrayal, etched in black bark.
A mystery unfolded under twilight's hue,
I followed the signs as the cold wind blew.
Deep into the forest, shadows danced with fate,
in the heart of silence, I pondered at the gate.
The city's lights lost in the distant gloom,
yet here I stood, where secrets loomed,
with every step, my chest's breath grew tight,
whispering tales of wanderers lost to the night.
With lantern in hand and a bold resolve,
deeper, I prayed my skeletons would absolve
me amid ancient, silent and grim guardians,
their twisted branches tracing tales so dim.
Suspense heightened with each step I took,
beneath the moon's pale, watchful look.
The wind whispered in a language of old,
of a knight betrayed for silver and gold.
In a clearing’s center under starry vault,
I found a grave, the betrayal's final halt,
where etched in stone, a name and a date,
a reminder that acquittal can come too late.
But the ghostly echoes wouldn’t let me rest,
seeking a champion to continue its quest...
to right the wrongs of a forgotten day,
and lift the shades darkening their way.
Compelled by the spirits, led by flighty fates,
I took up this charge, before it was too late
for me, the city of dreams no longer called,
the path of justice felt righteous and entralled.
Thus, in the heart of the woods, I swore,
to guard the forgotten, and explore
the horrors hidden by the veil of night,
to bring them to light, to set this land right.
I drew the secrets of the betrayal's sword,
I found my purpose, my destiny forward.
In the woodland's embrace, I stood stretching
as a Guardian of truths in that etching.
For this was my forgotten path to atone,
the blade grated from rock, the sword singing:
Whoso pulleth out this sword of this stone
and anvil, is rightwise declared king.
This is from a prompt from NaPoWriMo Day 22.
The Cow ran Away with the Spoon
The cow and the spoon had leapt
in the light of the moon, a romance kept
from the haystack and the barn,
under star-speckled heavens, the yarn
unfolds after through the velvet night.
The cow dreamed of fields beyond sight,
of wildflowers. "Let's roam," she swooned
with a gleeful moo, "by the light of the moon!"
But the spoon longed for a quieter life,
away from the clatter, with fork and knife.
"A cozy drawer’s the place for a spoon,"
he sighed, reflecting the silvery moon.
The cow, with dreams of endless green,
couldn’t grasp Spoon’s quiet scene.
"Why linger in shadows, confined and tight,
when open fields offer endless delight?"
The clinking spoon declared his need,
"For order and calm and rest, I plead.
for the drawer’s embrace feels secure,
a perfect polish and clean I can endure."
Hearts once aligned under twilight's bloom,
their discordant fell into gloom.
For what one cherished, the other spurned,
and neither knew which way to turn.
Would they part ways, one wild, one tame?
Or find a path both could claim?
In the tales that follow, under moon’s soft light,
May they forge a dream to share each night.
The Day 23 prompt leads me to take up a recurring dream into a poem. of sorts. I've worked on this story for a long time, taking the prose into free verse. This is a work-in-progress (but aren't they all)
In the velvet cloak of a dream,
cast deep in the heart
of a seventeenth-century Europe,
an inn murmurs with the echoes of time.
Its sturdy balcony rings the room
like a crown of royal thorns,
watches over the unfolding
of lives lurching below.
The torchlit tavern writhes
in an amber glow, humming
the melodies of old secrets
and new conspiracies.
In the midst of jangling jugs
and low laughter and grunts,
I find myself draped
in the simple garb of a swordsman...
a yellowed tunic, gray wool trousers,
and a sword resting quietly by my side,
its presence as understated as my attire.
Seated alone with my back to the wall,
I keep a silent vigil of the room,
my eyes scanning the ebb and flow
of its collection of miscreants.
A young couple descends
from the mysteries of the upper chambers,
their steps quiet against the wooden stairs.
Their proximity suggests intimacy,
yet their auras tell tales not of lovers,
but perhaps of companions
bound by different threads.
She, with her hair wound tightly,
shields her face from view,
while he, with eyes like autumn storms...
soft yet piercing like lightning...
acknowledges me with a nod
so slight it might have been imagined.
They sit near the door,
as if ready to escape.
Trouble, as it is wont to do,
slinks silently into the tavern.
Two rough-hewn men,
faces set with ill intent,
converge upon the young man.
The woman rises, a prelude to panic,
but her companion gently stays her.
in a silent ballet of glances
and gestures, and in his eyes,
I recognize an unspoken request.
The decision to intervene
hangs heavy in the air, a question
poised at the edge of my mind
as much as the edge of my sword.
As the assailants grasp her brother,
chaos blooms like a cruel flower.
Her sharp scream... a summons
in the tavern's murky symphony...
cues my entrance to the foray.
Chair crashing, I surge forward,
my blade forgotten from my side,
as brute force becomes my ally.
The skirmish is brief but fierce,
a storm of limbs and shouts, and through it,
her companion thrusts her toward me
with a desperate plea: "Get Elena out of here!"
Elena's hand in mine,
we weave through the chaos
of tables and brutal battles,
to the cool night outside,
where the promise of escape
waits in the silent stables.
My horse, a loyal shadow
stands ready at my approach.
With no time for saddles,
I lift her upon his back,
the urgent press of her lips
against mine a fleeting balm
laced with lavender and promise.
"Help my brother," she breathes,
a plea wrapped in a kiss.
I whisper to my mount's ears,
as they vanish into the night,
the surreal becomes real,
wings unfurl from the horse,
lifting them into the starlit
escape of myth and dream.