Firstly all credit for this has to go to Yvonne. Inspired by Emily Dickinson she spun this web of thought into my mind and now I keep tugging at the string. I shall write an entire essay on the subject but for now just a mind dump to open the floor for thought and discussion.
We know there are many ways to Rhyme words, perfect rhyme, assonance, slant, forced, many more terms and subcategories of rhyme. All of these rely on sound, but what about image? I don’t mean eye rhyme where the words look to rhyme, but the image the poem intends to display in the reader’s mind. The example Yvonne used is Young Lady / Old Woman. This juxtaposition, or association makes a visual echo, a rhyme of image.
Bud / Bloom / Petal
Electricity / Light Bulb
Tyres / Road Trip / Gas Station
Repetition of associated or interconnected images. If a term exists for this I was unable to find it but I would love to know.
What are some examples you have seen in the wild or used within your own works?
This is exactly the thread I like to see on the Cove!
An interesting thought and one I will mull over the weekend. Image rhyme...
My non - poetic workmates think this works if there is a connection. Mark's were fine, my main track, timetable was too obtuse
root bulb / fallen tree / wild storm
palm tree / frond / date
wonga wonga vine/ evergreen screen / butterfly haven
wonga wonga vine / weed / poisoning (all year round)
train / track / timetable
I was on my to work, but I hit my first snag. We see an indicator board or a printed page or a screen not the timetable. But does timetable invoke an mental image of regulated movement. Interested in peoples thoughts. Ultimately we want to communicate to non poets who don't have understand poetic devices.
Mark I am so impressed. Putting my focus on answering your question
I appreciate poets who can utilize these poetic devices. I love when I read them in a poem. Association through images is brilliant.