Michael Jacobson is a writer, artist, publisher, and independent curator from Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA/Turtle Island. His books include an abstract illuminated manuscript titled id est: neo scribalist asemic expressionism (Post-Asemic Press), a prose poetry novella Somnolent Game (Post-Asemic Press), his collected asemic writing Works & Interviews (Post-Asemic Press), his autobiographical collection of senryu poems Hei Kuu (Post-Asemic Press), and his EP of sound poetry Schizo Variations (Bandcamp); he is also co-editor of An Anthology Of Asemic Handwriting (Punctum Books). Besides writing books, he curates a gallery for asemic writing called The New Post-Literate: A Gallery of Asemic Writing. He also sits on the editorial board of Recently, he was published in The Last Vispo Anthology (Fantagraphics). In 2017, he curated the Minnesota Center for Book Arts exhibit: Asemic Writing: Offline & In The Gallery. Other countries where he has curated exhibits of asemic writing include Mexico, Spain, and Malta. His online interviews are at Poemeleon, SampleKanon, Asymptote Journal, Twenty Four Hours, David Alan Binder, GAS, Utsanga, Schizoaffective, and at Medium. In the past, he created the cover art for Rain Taxi’s 2014 winter issue. Back in 2017, he founded Post-Asemic Press, to publish asemic writing, visual poetry, experimental poetry, and audio recordings of sound poetry. In 2019, he was written up in the book Asemic: The Art of Writing (University of Minnesota Press) by Peter Schwenger; it has an entire chapter dedicated to Jacobson’s calligraphic work. He also founded and administers the asemic writing Facebook group. In his spare time, he curates a gallery of cyber-planets dubbed THAT: A Plan(et). Michael also creates videos and animations for his YouTube channel under the alias Asemic Writer.
- Member of the CoveOfficial member of The Poetry Cove