Guess not worst specifically,one time,I sent a friend a text,talking about life and what were doing.I end up asking this friend,may I send poem for feedback.He said yes,so I send it to them.And then they go back and said they didn't like poem.
Thought to myself,WHOA,opportunity to grow my poetry,SWEET!!!!!
They can tell you put alot in to this,they just don't like it.Really took me about couple of hours to write that piece,I digress.Anyway,I ask how can I improve this.
And they said:"Well...I don't know."
I don't know???????
So you told me you don't like this,cool,and they give you feedback,only to say...I don't know.
That feedback rub me off wrong way,which is why I haven't really ask any feedback on my poetry these days.
Even recently,since I'm pretty much beating my own drum and just posting what I like to post.Sure I have to play to algorithm in terms of consistency,but I'm continuing to have fun with this poetry thing,in spite of not knowing if I'm getting better or not.
I think its a matter of while I'm not opposed to feedback on my poetry,I would prefer to receive feedback from someone that knows what they're doing.Asking would stem on my level of commitment towards poetry,since I appear to write to process my own experiences.And if I truly want to commit again,gotta be for reasons that are right for me.
In any event,Covers,what was feedback you had that was bad or made you scratch your head?????