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Rich Y.
Member of the Cove
Sep 06, 2022
In General Discussion
I really hope this doesn't come across in a self important way, but I wanted to make a few of you aware I am going to be AWOL for a little while to deal with some health issues. I'm not posting this for sympathy or well wishes, just to confirm the reason. I am very pro-pay wall (this is not a free poem dumping ground, sizzle roll exposure or a charity *cough's the name of well you know...) I have received more support from people like @Adam Gary @Marc Brimble @Ken LeMarchand @Sophie @Shen Friebe than I probably deserve in regards to my talent and I enjoy the various topics, tips and tricks that I learnt on here. It is simply a health issue. @Shen Friebe I owe you a real apology for not coming back to you on your sitcom work you sent me, I have not been able to get to it, but hopefully I will soon and it's something I'm really looking forward too. Silence is not apathy I promise. I felt embarrassed as time went to bring it up. So whether or not you'll actually notice I'm not here is one thing, but if you did, I wanted to clarify. Take it easy guys, I'll see you all soon! p.s I've got some difficult Sh*t coming up, I'm taking my note book on every step of the journey...😉 Rich
Rich Y.
Member of the Cove
Aug 16, 2022
In Poetry Discussion
What is your one, non-negotiable rule that you have with all your work? It's harder than it looks but I'd love to know form some of my favourite Covers and new writers what springs to mind when they reflect on this? What do all your pieces of work have in common, because you as a writer have decided it is a rule you have to follow.
Rich Y.
Member of the Cove
Jul 05, 2022
In Poetry Discussion
Is everything you write autobiographical, or do you use characters as well? do you enjoy the distance it creates, or does it feel less personal? Sometime I write stuff, and people ask if ”I’m ok” - which is unique to this medium in my experience, and lovely of course. I do it to people as well! But what you have read may not be about me. My last submission I shared “Anx.” For example (Still up if you want to look and say nice things about it) And that raises questions of authenticity I guess with some of you. I‘d really like to know your thoughts. Thanks for any response and taking the time to read my question.
Rich Y.
Member of the Cove
Jun 22, 2022
In Poetry Discussion
So firstly, sorry to everyone because I appreciate I'm asking a lot of questions, but why google when I have you experts to ask instead? I need some guidance on late half of the 20th century/Modern poets to read. I've been through collections by the "masters" as it were. I enjoyed Keats, Hardy, I think Larkin might've changed my life (but that's for another discussion) and have always loved Bukowski; but if anyone wants to chuck a few names, (not necessarily in the vain of my previous mentions) my way on this thread I would be really grateful. Who do you guys dig?
Rich Y.
Member of the Cove
Jun 20, 2022
In Poetry Discussion
So I am new to this, as those I have spoken to know. I'm having trouble finding "My Voice". Previous mediums for me have always resulted in work that is dark (not monsters and werewolves, but emotionally dark ) I've had some success with this in fiction, and after a break of a few years from writing, I thought starting poetry would be the same. But It's not. I would still say my work is more based on feelings and emotions as supposed to specific topics but I'm struggling with the juxtaposition. I'm following the good advice of reading as much poetry as possible from different sources, Everything is so new, formats, rules, techniques, exposure to new poets I'm frustrated and concerned that I don't have my own voice yet to use as a comparison. But above all, I need to stay authentic. So I guess this is my way of asking - is this a problem you guys have had? Any advice? Am I overthinking this?
Rich Y.
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